
Rise Learning and Development Program

Knowledge is a gift that we receive and share. Reflected in the Seven Sacred Teachings, “to cherish knowledge is to know wisdom”, it is with gratitude that we listen, build and share knowledge.

Are you interested in learning more about Truth and Reconciliation? Sharing knowledge is a big part of what we do every day at Rise. Whether it’s through our Rise Learning and Development Program, a keynote address, participation on a panel discussion, or sharing ideas through a media interview, we enjoy sharing knowledge and inspiration, sparking ideas and evoking action that leads to a positive impact with advancing Truth, Reconciliation and Indigenous inclusion across Turtle Island. The Rise Learning and Development Program offers participants an opportunity to experience a variety of Truth and Reconciliation topics. Each session is designed to run between 60 minutes and three hours, topic-dependent. Throughout each learning session, participants will actively engage in various small and large group activities, in plenary dialogue, and record learnings in their learning resource guide. Experiential development will be supported by the Rise ‘Nine-ways’ program, with further learning and activities provided to participants to ensure that learning does not stop in the classroom.

Learning and Development Program Delivery Options

Our Rise Learning and Development sessions are available through multiple modalities, including: 

  • Live, in-person sessions. Education and development delivered face-to-face.
  • Live online sessions. Dynamic education and development, available online from any location, using online tools to support learning.
  • On-demand content. Content is available to your organization, anytime and anywhere.

Learning and Development Program Components

  • Participant Prompt, for short reflection activities and self-study material ahead of the session
  • Learning Resource Guide to capture learning moments throughout the session
  • Nine-ways activity to reinforce learning through bite-sized learning content, reflection questions and discussion activities to be completed within the month following the training session

Rise Learning and Development Program: Foundations

Session NameTypical On-line Duration
Histories of Colonial Harm and Indigenous Survivance2 hours (75 minutes teaching/30 minutes Q&A)
Indigenous Leadership and Giftedness on Turtle Island1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Towards New Relations: Foundations for Reconciliation1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Why Reconciliation?1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Economic Reconciliation1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Creating and Sharing Meaningful Land Acknowledgments Workshop1.5 hours (1 hour teaching/15-minutes crafting/10
minutes sharing/5 minute Q&A)
Being Anti-Racist in Canada: Competencies for Being in Accord with Indigenous Inclusion1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Relationship Development; Opening Relationships in a Good Way1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Community Relations and Engagement Planning Workshop2 hours (1 ¾ hours teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Indigenous Matriarchy, Loss and Leadership1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Indigenous Language Revitalization and Place-Keeping1.5 hours (55 minutes teaching/20 minutes
activity/15 minutes of Q&A)
Métis Culture and History1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Inuit and Northern Communities1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)
Truth, Reconciliation and Our Way Forward1 hour (45 minutes teaching/15 minutes Q&A)

Rise Learning and Development Program: Strategy, Workforce and Procurement

Session NameTypical On-line Duration
Decolonizing HR Workshop1.5 hours (55 minutes teaching/20 minutes activity/15 minutes of Q&A)
Inclusive Leadership and Reconciliation Session1.5 hours (55 minutes teaching/20 minutes activity/15 minutes of Q&A)
Storytelling for Communicators1.5 hours (55 minutes teaching/20 minutes activity/15 minutes of Q&A)
Community Engagement1.5 hours (55 minutes teaching/20 minutes activity/15 minutes of Q&A)
Creating a Reconciliation Action Plan Workshop1.5 hours (40 minutes of teaching/40 minutes of crafting a RAP/10 minutes Q&A)

Canadian Council of Indigenous Business: Progressive Accreditation in Indigenous Relations (PAIR) Program

Session NameTypical On-line Duration
CCIB PAIR Phase I: Leadership Training Session1 hour (50 minutes teaching/10 minutes Q&A)

Rise Learning and Development Program: Emerging Topics 

Session NameTypical On-line Duration
Ownership, Control, Access, and
Possession (OCAP): Data Sovereignty
1 hour (50 minutes teaching/10 minutes Q&A)
Treaty Making and Indigenous Rights1 hour (50 minutes teaching/10 minutes Q&A)
Read. Listen. Tell: Indigenous Storywork1 hour (50 minutes teaching/10 minutes Q&A)

If you don’t see the topic you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We custom curate and create bespoke training sessions for clients often and we look forward to a conversation.