At Rise, we call on all Canadians to stand with the Moose Hide Campaign to engage men and boys to end gendered-based violence towards women and girls.
Wearing a moose hide signifies your commitment to honour, respect and protect the women and children in your life and to work together to end violence against women and children.
May 11 is Moose Hide Campaign Day – a day to engage men and boys to end violence towards women, girls, and within their communities. The movement was started in 2011 by Paul Lacerte and his daughters after he attended a violence against women conference in Vancouver where he was one of four men among hundreds of women. From there began an Indigenous-led, BC-born, grassroots organization and has grown into a nationwide movement of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians all committed to ending violence.
We encourage you to check out the Moose Campaign website. You can check out their Take Action section on the website to learn more ways to be involved.